Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ode to oxycodone.

codeines and chemicals, synthetic and natural alike
we don milligram smiles
walk out the itchiness like we’re shaking off fatigue
senses sharper, thought processes stronger
these are God pills.

like my veins are taking a hot, steamy shower
like I’m somehow becoming more than what I am
meta-human indeed
I talk like I move, I write like I talk, I move like I write
nerve endings can dance!
there’s music playing in the illegal Speakeasy’s in my body, and we’re all intoxicated in here, except the streets outside
read: the people playing out the roles in my life.
they don’t know what goes on inside the building
as it builds up, my eyes almost roll over themselves.
they can hear the faint sounds of music and laughter
each of them might not know, but they know.
but from the curb, they are all involuntary curious glances
“he’s definitely got it together (cue laugh track).”

like if pins and needles were sexy
fingertips running slowly under my skin
I’m my own electric blanket, one that doesn’t smell like Grandma
she just provided me with the amber bottle

this is why junkies don’t fuck

Monday, March 2, 2009

immaculate, immaculate, immaculate.

As much as you’d like to impeach me
Righteous wind
Hope is too slippery to hold
Your fangs still show in your smile
A languished victim’s denial

I am a lightning strike.
I am your headlights in hell.

Close your eyes hard, little boy
The volume only goes louder
Brace yourself
The perfection storm is near
You can sketch out your route in the sand,
But it will be gone come sunrise.