Tuesday, October 26, 2010


bled out on the street, the street you took to get to me
manicured nails on my back
faint remnants of a voice I used to know
I'm so frustrated that I emailed you that night I wasn't in control
she's just like you
she found her way in and I can't get her out

when you loved your baths, and had me jump in
from the window we saw paradise, from inside we lied
textbook concern; passerby acknowledgement
I feel it in my veins
treasure maps never found again, I lost my chance

you spin me around underwater and make me find the surface whenever you throw your words at me. I'm Antarctica without you; any of you.
I see tragedies on the television and feel nothing
I feel amnesty in my bones, take off running

graduate cylinders, test tubes shattered on the floor
these fluids were never meant for experimentation
your centrifuge has spread my atoms straight to hell

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