Friday, June 11, 2010

never a thank you.

just don't let anyone see that we're running
we don't want to cause mass hysteria. but
the vehicle being used for transportation stops tonight
I won't let her go any further, seeping melding permanent style
these magnets won't attract
the planet must be dying
is this the aroma of fear? because I'm no predator
the concept we sketched out included gas masks and bodybags,
and here you are with a to-do list and mediocrity
and it seems to me that your eyes keep themselves unfocused forever
at least not on me
that much is for sure
for security purposes, we're putting up velvet ropes tonight
unsure if I care that you don't care
unsure if you know what that word means you keep using
or muttering under your breath, it feels like
which is not how it's supposed to be used because then the meaning changes
upon further inspection, these cracks are fine!
let's just leave
just don't let anyone see that we're running

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